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The X Metafort Upland Mini Game

The X by Polemo Games

I recently tried out The X shooting range mini game which is accessible through’s metaverse. It’s a well crafted game with extraordinary graphics and competitive first person gameplay. The reason I would categorize it as a mini game at this time, is because it only consists of a small shooting range and the activity takes about 3-5 minutes to complete.

To play you will need to send your block explorer to the “THE X POLEMO RANGE” located at 3000 EAST PIONEER PKWY, ARLINGTON within the metaverse. I just wanted to jump in and play. However my Block Explorer was in Miami (Not super far away from Texas, but still a 20 minute upx paid flight.). As frustrating as this is, Polemo Games are pioneers in and blazing a trail for future developers to follow.

I arrived in Texas and tried sending my block explorer to the “THE X POLEMO RANGE” located at 3000 EAST PIONEER PKWY, ARLINGTON. It said this was not possible. I figured out I needed to now take a upx paid train to travel to Arligton. This took more time and more UPX. I think when high quality games enter, it is important for them to make their in location within Upland easy to access. I hope to see more Polemo Metafort locations in various large states within in the future.

The X by Polemo Games

I did it, I finally arrived at the legendary “THE X POLEMO RANGE” located at 3000 EAST PIONEER PKWY, ARLINGTON. It was time to get my hands on some exclusive weapon packs. I had heard that weapons would be visible within the Upland Metaverse under assets. I also heard of an exclusive “The X” block explorer you could unlock. I was getting so excited!

The X by Polemo Games Gun Case Opening

I purchased one of each gun pack. You can watch the Gun Pack openings in this video. These The X Gun Packs included Basic, Premium and Elite. In my experience I would recommend purchasing only the Elite Gun Packs.

I love the line up of guns Polemo Games has brought into The X. They based each gun off real existing fire arms. My favorite line up of guns you can get would have to be the various variants of the pistols. Wow, just look at them camos!

The X by Polemo Games Pistols
The X by Polemo Games Sniper Rifles
The X by Polemo Games Machine Guns

Now that I got my own special guns from The X Gun Packs it was time to take to the range. I paid a 1,000 UPX fee to enter the current tournament. I didn’t know what to expect. I shot precise accurate shots with my pistol and sniper rifle. I just blasted away with my machine gun, spraying targets and everything in between.

When I completed the match my score was not to my liking. I went back and watched the footage to understand how I could improve. I noticed that the number of targets remaining for the machine gun segment of the shooting range was well above zero. I had not shot all the available targets. The reasoning? I was spraying my clips empty, without taking my finger off the trigger. I plan to go back and shoot one target at a time with my machine gun to improve this overall score.

As far as in game (in The X assets or block explorers, I have not noticed any hit my account since the Gun Pack purchases. Perhaps these can be obtained another way, through contests or a future update. Polemo Games stated that earned XP in game could be used in future game updates to level up weapon attributes. It’s exciting to see such a graphically pleasing first person shooter enter the Upland Metaverse. It plays well with smooth controls and who knows.. with future updates it may go from mini game, to major game.

I went back to The X Polemo Firing Range. I entered the tournament again. I slowed down with the machine gun. I took my time and hit more targets. Did I hit all of them that I could? No. But did I improve me score? Yes! I now rank 2nd place instead of dead last (which is 3rd at the time to be fair.). I also took my time and began to take headshots with the sniper rifle. I noticed this changed my XP gain from 35 to 50. Im not sure if this effected my final score.

As mentioned I took down a lot more machine gun targets taking my time, however I did seem to run out of time (or was is ammunition I ran out of)? I need to study the mechanics of the game more closely to figure this out. If you know, drop a comment down below.

7 thoughts on “The X by Polemo Games”


    “Your review of ‘The X’ by Polemo Games is incredibly insightful and thorough. I appreciate the detailed account of your gameplay experience, from the challenges faced in accessing the location to the excitement of unlocking exclusive weapon packs. Your strategic approach during the in-game tournament and the subsequent improvements made provide valuable tips for fellow players.

    The breakdown of the different gun packs, along with your recommendations, is particularly helpful for anyone considering diving into the game. Additionally, your observations about potential areas for improvement and future updates, such as asset distribution and XP utilization, show a keen understanding of the game’s mechanics and contribute to a comprehensive review.

    Overall, your review has piqued my interest in ‘The X,’ and the provided link to will be my next destination to learn more. Keep up the fantastic work, and I look forward to reading more of your insightful reviews in the future!”

    1. Supx avatar Supx says:

      I appreciate you comprehensive comment. I’m glad people are enjoying this deep dive into The X. I had fun learning along the way.

    2. RomanHastati avatar RomanHastati says:

      Nice review. I wish the was more accessible. Try to open a range in more cities so we don’t have to travel to play. Does the $1,000 only buy 1 visit to the range? If so, seems expensive

  2. Blizzly says:

    This is one fantastic deep dive! Thank you for all your insights, hacks and great feedback!

  3. Supx avatar Supx says:

    Thank you for the positive feedback Blizzly. If The X ever wants to announce an event or anything on SUPX please do.

    1. Blizzly says:

      We would be honored. I’d love to announce the Legionnaire Giveaway. You can DM me on X (Twitter), and we can discuss this further. TY!!

      1. Supx avatar Supx says:

        I dm’d you on Twitter about another promotional idea. 🙂