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shaktilyn Upland Profile

EOS Id: rpdyckjhnhqg

Currently in the Upland city of Queens

Upland Balances

UPX Available: 209,065
SPARK Available: 0
SPARK Staked: 302535
SENDS Available: 12

Spark Tycoon Guides

Spark Tycoon Guide –

Spark Tycoon Free UPX – Guide #1 – SUPX Guides

Linking Spark Tycoon to is free and will instantly start earning you free items that can instantly be sold for UPX. A free item is added to your Spark Tycoon account every time you make a paid send within (Once you have linked Spark Tycoon to your account).

Spark Tycoon How To Create Resources 24/7 – Guide #2 – SUPX Guides

Create Mines, Wells and Windmills within Spark Tycoon to start auto generating resources daily (for life). These resources can instantly be sold for UPX on the Spark Tycoon Marketplace or used to build new mines, wells and windmills.


One thought on “Spark Tycoon Guide –”

  1. Fenriwulf91 avatar Fenriwulf91 says:

    I’m receiving “daily loot boxes” I think for the times I send my Explorer. I just came back to this after 2-3 weeks. So maybe I just need to wait and see if I get resources from it tomorrow… thought I’d ask about it and how to use them.. in case it doesn’t