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More Cheese Mini Game Giveaway

More Cheese Mini Game Giveaway

BROUGHT TO YOU BY: MoreCheese and the MITM YouTube Channel (More Cheese In The Metaverse).


PRIZES: 10 Cheese Playgrounds – 15 Traffic Lights – 20 Fence Pieces – 10 BMine Hearts

HOW TO WIN: Make The Top 50 Score List To Win A Prize. Make It To The Top 5 Scores To Win Two Items!

MoreCheese Cheese Playground
MoreCheese Traffic Light

This giveaway runs from 3/25 to 4/29 6pm CST.

10 thoughts on “More Cheese Mini Game Giveaway”

  1. Angryursia avatar Angryursia says:

    Well yes I will thank you! Just need to get on the old pc over there next chance I get!

  2. L_slack avatar L_slack says:

    Sick game. Hard to beat a Pac Man clone. Nice call.

  3. el_chapu avatar el_chapu says:

    Fun game! Like pac man!

  4. Trendyprop avatar Trendyprop says:

    It took me a while to figure out how to start over. At first, I played the last level multiple times and wondered why I wasn’t getting more points.

    1. L_slack avatar L_slack says:

      I did the same thing. ha ha

  5. Sickranchez avatar Sickranchez says:

    Lovely game and lots of fun

  6. intrepid636 avatar intrepid636 says:

    A good classic game

  7. tortadetamal avatar tortadetamal says:

    Really cool game!

  8. harrych avatar harrych says:

    Great game, waka waka

  9. WolfWarner avatar WolfWarner says:

    Nice Version of Good Ole Pac